A groundbreaking resource, featuring stories from 25 health care organizations around the globe, offers a roadmap to develop a sustainable purchasing strategy that prioritizes community and environmental health and safety while reducing costs.
Sustainable Procurement Checklist allows health care organizations to obtain a snapshot assessment of their current procurement program and start building on best practices to reduce their environmental impact.
Primer Congreso Internacional de Calidad en Salud, realizado los días 28, 29 y 30 de junio en el Hospital del Niño DIF de Hidalgo, México.Más informaciónDescripción de las imágenes:Fotos 1, 2 y 3: apertura del Congreso y primeras sesiones.Fotos 4 y 5: Lic. Yeni Ayala, responsable del programa de residuos peligrosos industriales de la Secretaría de Salud del Distrito Federal, presenta avances de trabajo.Foto 6 y 7: reunión con los miembros mexicanos de la Red Global de Hospitales Verdes y Saludables.
Our powerful network will transform the health sector — ensuring it can balance the immediate needs for mitigation, resilience, and equity, while serving as a leader in the broader shift to a just, low-carbon economy.