Our network

Over three decades, Health Care Without Harm has built the most extensive global network at the intersection of human and planetary health. This network offers our best chance for scaling and sustaining proven climate and health solutions.

Our team and partners

Our regional teams and strategic partnerships

For hospitals and health systems

Our networks for hospitals, health systems, and health organizations

For health professionals

Networks and initiatives for health care leaders, clinicians and other health professionals

Join leaders at the forefront of health care transformation

Health Care Without Harm is at the forefront of mobilizing, engaging, and empowering the health sector to take climate action and lead the transition to a just, resilient, low-carbon economy.

Our team and partners

We work with strategic partner organizations around the world, joining efforts to advocate for a more sustainable health care sector and a healthier planet.

Our reach

Health Care Without Harm has regional teams in Europe, Latin America, Southeast Asia, and the United States & Canada, and a global secretariat where we collaborate with partners and allies around the world driving global and regional initiatives.

Meet our teams:

Europe Global Latin America Southeast Asia U.S. & Canada

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Our strategic partners

We work with allies around the world, including strategic partnerships with organizations in Australia, Brazil, China, India, Nepal, and South Africa, as well as joint projects with the United Nations Development Programme and the World Health Organization.

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Our networks

Our global hospitals network, Global Green and Healthy Hospitals, brings together over +2000 members in 86 countries, representing the interests of more than 70,000 hospitals and health centers. In the United States and Canada, Practice Greenhealth is the leading sustainable health care organization, delivering environmental solutions to more than 1,700 hospitals and health systems.

Health Care Without Harm also leads and co-leads health care professional networks around the world, advocating for healthy people on a healthy planet.

For health professionals


Doctors for Clean Air - Logo

Doctors for Clean Air and Climate Action

[India] An initiative from the Lung Care Foundation and Health Care Without Harm that brings together doctors from every state in India to advocate for clean air.

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Doctors for Greener Healthcare

Doctors for Greener Healthcare

[Europe] The network invites doctors to collaborate, share practices, and advocate for a healthy future by reducing the environmental impact of health care.

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Health Care Climate Council logo

Health Care Climate Council

[U.S. & Canada] Leadership body of 19 diverse U.S.- based health systems committed to addressing climate change, representing over 550 hospitals and 9,500 centers.

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Nurses Climate Challenge Europe

Nurses Climate Challenge (Europe)

[Europe] The challenge aims to mobilize nurses across Europe to educate health professionals on the impacts of climate change on human health.

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Nurses Climate Challenge US

Nurses Climate Challenge (U.S. & Canada)

[U.S. & Canada] An initiative presented in partnership with the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments to educate about the health impacts of climate change.

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Pharmacists for Greener Healthcare

Pharmacists for Greener Healthcare

[Europe] This network brings together pharmacists to share practices and coordinate activities to tackle pharmaceutical pollution and antimicrobial resistance.

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Physician Network logo

Physician Network

[U.S. & Canada] This network supports emerging and established physicians to leverage their influence & expertise to advance the health care sustainability movement.

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RISE network

RISE, South East Asia Alliance for Health and Climate

[Southeast Asia] An initiative aimed at building an alliance of health care leaders to advance climate action, health equity, resilience, and a healthy recovery.

Image: NASA Earth Observatory image by Robert Simmon