Pave the way towards the reduction of health care waste and protect the environment through sustainable health care waste management. Hospitals and health systems account for a significant amount of waste globally each year.
Discover what you can do locally, nationally, and globally to tackle pharmaceutical waste, inappropriate or overprescribing, and educate patients to safely dispose of unused and expired medications
Allane el camino hacia la reducción de los residuos sanitarios y proteja el ambiente mediante la gestión sostenible. Cada año, los hospitales y los sistemas de salud generan cantidades significativas de residuos a nivel mundial.
Waste is usually categorized according to the risk it carries. Most medical waste – around 65 to 85 percent -- is similar to normal municipal waste and of low risk unless burned. The remainder is composed of more hazardous types of medical wastes, including infectious and sharps wastes, chemical and radioactive wastes, and hospital wastewater.