Podcast pick: Doctors unpack the health care plastic crisis

Our experts guide listeners through the history, current usage, and future innovations in under 40 minutes.

Catch the latest episode of Fierce Healthcare: Podnosis, featuring two of our experts, Dr. Ted Schettler and Dr. Emily Sbiroli. They dive into the plastics crisis and how it’s impacting health care, and explore potential solutions and share real-world examples of innovations in the health sector to address this issue.


"There are many opportunities in health care for getting rid of single-use plastics that wouldn't have any impact on patient care" 
–  Dr. Ted Schettler

Dr. Schettler, one of our science advisers, brings decades of experience to the table, while Dr. Sbiroli, recognized as one of our emerging physicians in 2019, brings her frontline insights as an emergency physician. Their combined expertise makes this a conversation you won’t want to miss.

 "This huge booming interest in clinicians and seeing how so many are becoming concerned about the effects of environmental pollution on health and the patients that they see is extraordinary." 
– Dr. Emily Sbiroli

At Health Care Without Harm and Practice Greenhealth, we’ve spent years equipping the health care sector with the facts, research, and support needed to confront the petrochemical and plastic pollution crisis. Our team of experts and committed health professional partners are leading the charge in making health care a sustainable, non-toxic, and climate-smart sector. We’re also working to inform key policy-and decision-makers, ensuring the solutions to plastic pollution benefit everyone, well beyond health care settings.

Health professionals and partners taking on this issue

The podcast referenced some of the great work happening in our health care network. Check it out: