Our climate work by region


Work with us to transform European health care into a net zero-carbon and climate-resilient sector that protects public health from climate change, and accelerates the transition to a low-carbon economy. Explore how health care impacts climate change in Europe, the sector's response, and how health care providers are taking climate action.

Learn more about our work in Europe

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The impact of climate change on health at a global level is far-reaching, and so are the opportunities to mitigate it. Tackling carbon-intensive health care activities, supply chains, and greenhouse gas emissions created by delivering care and procuring products and technologies can ensure a healthy and safe future for everyone worldwide.

The economic power of the sector can be a catalyst for change. Mitigation, coupled with ensuring health systems have the ability to adapt to climate-induced shocks and stresses, can lower their vulnerability to the impact of climate change. You can make a difference globally, with help from Health Care Without Harm. Learn how climate impacts health at a global level and what the health sector can do about it.

Learn more about our global work

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Latin America

Help prevent climate harm to secure a safer future for your community. Poor environmental conditions have contributed to a rise in diseases, creating problems for the health care sector in Latin America. Learn how to mitigate these issues and get involved in fostering positive change in your hospital or practice.

See how climate change is affecting human health and learn why it is a top issue for the health care sector in Latin America.

Learn more about our work in Latin America

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Southeast Asia

Navigate the challenges of climate change and be a part of the change that's reducing emissions and creating a brighter, more equitable future. The Southeast Asian region is susceptible to many natural disasters due to climate change, and some healthcare operations contribute to environmental harm. Join us in improving the future of health care and the communities it serves by learning more about the issue and getting involved.

See how climate change impacts health care and vulnerable communities in Southeast Asia and why we must meet the challenge head-on.

Learn more about our work in Southeast Asia

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U.S. & Canada

Pave the way for climate-smart health care in the U.S. and Canada. Using a unique three-pillar framework consisting of mitigation, resilience, and leadership, we provide the structure and resources for effective climate action in the health care sector. Find out how to limit your health system's harmful emissions and improve health and resilience in the communities you serve.

Learn about the challenges facing the health care sector and opportunities to address climate and health in your hospital or practice.

Learn more about our work in the U.S. & Canada

Our other areas of focus


Utilize groundbreaking sustainable procurement guidance and tools to improve practices and policy while harnessing health care’s purchasing power to move the market.

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Chemicals & Plastics

Find out how hospitals and health systems are reducing hazardous chemicals and single-use plastics to decrease the impact these products have on human health and the environment.

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Learn how we are working with hospitals and communities to implement successful strategies to reduce health care climate impact and support the growth of resilient foods systems.

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Uncover strategies to minimize health care waste from hazardous medical waste to food waste with our innovative management, recycling, and disposal guidance.

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Discover how our network is tackling the way we produce, use, and dispose of medicines and antibiotics, and advocating for judicious use and the development of safer, non-toxic drugs.

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Achieve sustainable health care operations by reducing energy consumption and moving to clean, renewable options.

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